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Resolved! Package to uninstall Chrome

Our corporate have many different version of Chrome, and most of them installed in user profile instead of program files. May I know how can I prepare a package to uninstall all different version of Chrome?Thanks

jasonwch by Engaged Sweeper
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Resolved! Dynamic Asset Group - AND condition

Hello there!I am trying to create a new dynamic asset group, where i want to have an 'AND' condition in the query. So for example Software 1 installed AND Software 2 installed. Is this possible? When i do it now, i get the assets that meet at least 1...

koglerh by Engaged Sweeper III
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Resolved! user picture updates

Has the location of the UserPictures changed in lansweeper? I was having trouble updating the image to have it appear lansweeper for a user when copying the file in manually. I always saw the old image in the browser.So , I used the Edit user and upl...

danielm by Champion Sweeper II
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Resolved! Firewall question

I am looking to implement LS in my new employers environment and my manager asked a question I am unsure of the answer to.We have distributed offices, and if a firewall goes down in one of the branch offices, will I be able to see which devices are e...

Azkor by Engaged Sweeper II
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Resolved! Deployment fail Error. RPC Unavailable

Hello, I have some computer with deployment error. Each time I try do deploy I have this response   Here the Connectiontester               What can I do for resolve this error ? Thanks for help

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boupjof by Engaged Sweeper III
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Resolved! Distributed domain

Hi, I have a question for the Lansweeper team. I have recently moved to a new company and I am actively trying to convince them to implement Lansweeper. The company is very silo'd with a lot of branch offices that are not part of a central domain. I ...

Azkor by Engaged Sweeper II
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Resolved! scanning a certain server failed

Hi,we use a central lansweeper server with a sql-server 2014 database. the scanning-process works fine, but we're facing a few problems with some of our assets.for exmaple: we have a server that is not able to be scanned => "access denied"if...

group-it by Engaged Sweeper II
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Resolved! Loopback interface IP as displayed IP

I have a number of switches (and a handful of other devices) that show up in LANSweeper with an IP address associated with an Interface other than the Loopback. My network teams use the loopback as a "designated" primary IP in other records that the...