I had to unlink from the cloud to fix licensing issue and I selected "do not delete data",Now I can no longer link to the old site name or create a new one, please suggest.
Hello everyone, please help!Is it possible to split the values in a column into different columns?
Выберите Top 1000000 tblAssets.AssetID, tblAssets.AssetName, tsysAssetTypes.AssetTypeIcon10 As Icon, tblAssets.IPAddress, tblAssetCustom.Model, tblAsse...
Hello, I have somo problems with the deployments, the problem is WMI access and task scheduller but the account is admin and access to C$ is correct.
Dear all,I've did a migration of the whole Lansweeper server and now there are 724 assets linked to the old Scanserver.How can I correct this issue?Thanks.Best regards,Adrian
Hi there. One of my colleges has created many duplicate locations while they were updating assets. Every time they clicked Location Tab -> Add to location, they created a new location. How do I remove all the duplicate locations?.
Hello,How do I update the LSAgent version for the Relay server?LsAgent scan via relay: Version: scan directly via scan server: Version: currently have Lansweeper Server/Website Classic version installed.Relay Confi...
Ls-Agent stopped scan software in linux OS with error: Could not chdir to home directory /home/XXX: No such file or directory
The user XXX don't have homedir
Hi all, can anybody tell me how to change the automatic logoff time from Lansweeper?A user tells me that she is logged off every some minutes automatically....Thanks, Aurel