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Excluding specific asset states from being scanned

Hi,I have set an asset state to be 'for destruction'. These are Windows assets which are broken or do not have the capacity to be turned on. We do this periodically and they are only set for destruction when cataloged and moved where they cannot be...

Gillian by Engaged Sweeper II
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How to run deployment installer with multiple parameters?

Hi,I'm currently trying to deploy some software that requires 2 parameters to activate, below is what i'm trying:"{PackageShare}\Deployment\Installer.exe" "CustomerId={ABCDEFG} ActivationId={HIJKLMNOP}" However I'm seeing the following error:Prelimin...

mml by Engaged Sweeper
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LsAgent with custom registry scan

Hi all,I used lspush with some custom registry scan for remote internet machine and schedule it by task scheduler. Now I want to use lsagent for replacement but it seem that we can not get the registry as same as lspush.Pls advise.Thanks.

hoanv9 by Engaged Sweeper II
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Question about asset UID

Can someone explain how LS knows an asset is unique?I'm asking because I'm trying to make a discovered asset with LSAgent installed (macOS) to use a manually created entry (asset).Basically, I received a new MacBook and manually created an asset usin...

roberto_m by Engaged Sweeper III
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Roku and media players

According to this page, lansweeper should be retrieving information from media players, including Roku players. have 32 rokus across our library branches that we use for digital signage, but n...

jutley by Engaged Sweeper III
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