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Resolved! Question About Roles & Permissions

Greetings all,First time poster here. I'm trying to figure out if there is a way to grant certain users access to view only a portion of the assets. For example: Let's say I want user John Doe to only view the assets in the IP range of - ...

Resolved! Date fields not allowing year 2025

Afternoon everyone,As we get closer to the New Year I've noticed that my Lansweeper ticketing system is no longer allowing users to select dates past 2024. I've done some searching on Google/LS forums about a similar issue I haven't seen anything out...

Pbo by Engaged Sweeper
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Set up Google Cloud Platform - Cloud Discovery

Hello CommunityWe want to set up Cloud Discovery on GCP and we had some questions about those values:Select the OpenID Connect (OIDC) provider.In the Issuer URL field, enter the Allowed audiences field, enter http...

amogarcia by Engaged Sweeper
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Integration with ManageEngine ServiceDesk Plus

The latest Lansweeper integration is promising a streamlined and unified approach to ITSM. The integration is with ServiceDesk Plus, a leading ITSM solution from ManageEngine. Now customers who use ServiceDesk Plus can view rich, accurate Lanweeper d...

Casslloyd by Lansweeper Employee
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Error while updating

Hi,I got this error while updating Lansweeper:Then the message: installation succesfully completedAnd et the end this:But everything is working fine. 

temp.png temp1.png
myssv by Engaged Sweeper II
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Display the unique key

In an article, it is explained that to see the unique key of an asset, open the asset in edit mode. But in my environment (Cloud) I don't see this information. Is this information normally available? If so, how can I ensure that it is displayed?

Cat by Engaged Sweeper
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