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Forum Posts

📊Power BI and Lansweeper On-Prem

Hi Community, Trying this again for On- Prem users based on this comment from @DonMario73  Let’s talk about Power BI and Lansweeper On-Prem! In this thread, let us know: Best practices for extracting and visualizing your data.Tips for troubleshooting...

Apple Device Scanning

Hello,Our Apple Device's are being scanned as Network Devices.I have followed the instructions in but still get the same result even after removing the asset.The error is SSH Erro...

bushell85 by Engaged Sweeper
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Resolved! Change KBFile and Attachment Directory

Is it possible to change the location where Lansweeper saves KBfiles and helpdesk ticket attachments from the default "C:\Program Files (x86)\Lansweeper\Website\helpdesk\files" to another directory? I would prefer to not have these files reside on an...

Clear Credentials from Credential Manager

Im attempting to run a cmd via Lansweeper deployment to clear the creds stored in credential manager. Lansweeper reports the CMD executed successfully but the creds dont get cleared.Running the same cmds via a bat file locally works as expected.This ...

mjbliss by Engaged Sweeper II
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Convert manual Asset into an active Asset

We want to bulk import PCs into LS as we get them as we want to know how many PCs we have in stock locations. We're trying to develop a process where when we put a stock PC onto the desk, we just rename it, add it to the domain and reboot. Then we...

Deployment Adobe Reader DC

Ich habe a working deployment ... that means i can start the commandline and in this ich msiexec with msi file, patch file (msp) and TRANSFORM (mst) when i add exactly the same thing to the lansweeper deployment, it does not work.lansweeper runs in t...

Maik by Engaged Sweeper
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Unable to get email out using outgoing templates

Our intent is to send email to the agent only when the ticket gets to a certain state (Action Required is a new state we created). I changed the existing State Change (Sent to Agent) template and checked this state, chose all the ticket types and all...

mgravi by Engaged Sweeper II
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Not all assets shown on reports

From the main Search... field bar I'm able to type in the asset name and directly view its specifics. However, when I generate a default report (Specifically the Operating System Overview) the asset isn't listed where it should be. There are probably...

Chrome update

Hey Everyone,I have been able to deploy Chrome to users boxes that do not have Chrome. However, when I try to upgrade updated versions using the GoogleChromeStandaloneEnterprise64.msi /update and any other switch it just fails. How has everyone else ...

ddarlage by Engaged Sweeper II
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