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Scan an IP range from a different subnet

Our SIP phones are on there own subnet. The Lansweeper server is able to scan that subnet, but because it is on a different subnet, it is not getting the phones MAC address. Is there a way to run the Lansweeper scan from the phone subnet? My Lansw...

pfenton by Engaged Sweeper III
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Hello,Does Lansweeper support HP-UX? All I can get is data for the below: Serial: NetworkNodeHostname: KernelName: KernelRelease: KernelVersion: MachineHardwareName: HardwarePlatform: OSRelease: No det...

manos by Engaged Sweeper II
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Resolved! Automated HP warranty check with Lansweeper

Hi,Running Lansweeper version we seem to be encountering a bug when warranty checking HP assets. The example below shows an asset warranty that when checked manually has a start date of October 21 2016 but Lansweeper is reporting this as O...

dshu by Engaged Sweeper III
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Resolved! Deployment using .bat for O365

Let me preface this post with 'I'm new to LANSweeper and software deployment in general' so please point me in the right direction if my route is off track.For this deployment, I have 2 questions-Why does my deployment timeout even after the install ...

joshmaline by Engaged Sweeper
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New user stuff

Morning - I have two quick questions I am hoping to get answered. I am currently using the free install and looking to upgrade.First - is it possible to get a scan to get a count of how many assets I have? I am pretty sure I need over the 100 for the...

TerraIT by Engaged Sweeper
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